Diving Stands
Duraflex diving stands are designed using the latest technologies and materials to ensure that no matter their ultimate environment, divers can have the confidence in their equipment, leaving them to focus on achieving their very best dives, consistently, time after time.
New Duraflex Short Stand
for 16′ MX, 16′ DX, 14′ DX
Art. No. 1111006 - New Short Stand for 16′ MX
Art. No. 1111007 - New Short Stand for 16′ DX
Art. No. 1111008 - New Short Stand for 14′ DX
Through new mechanisms in the fulcrum, there is no longer any slip-stick or ‘breaking the footwheel free’ when adjusting the fulcrum. This allows divers of all ages to adjust the fulcrum to their desired position.
The Short Stand features a new alignment beam that runs between the fulcrum and rear end, ensuring the rear end and the fulcrum are correctly spaced and aligned. This gives a much more consistent feel of the board, giving divers even more confidence as they take off.
Correct installation of our stands and boards is vital to giving divers the confidence they need.
In conjunction with the beam for alignment, the shape of the mounting locations has been designed to allow for more flexibility when mounting holes in the deck are misaligned.
Using innovative design and more sustainable manufacturing processes, the Short Stand is virtually maintenance free. The fulcrum mechanism no longer requires adding grease or cleaning to ensure optimal use and there are no longer any anti-rattle clamps/ roller clamps to adjust. The only routine maintenance is to add oil to the hinges.

• New fulcrum mechanisms avoid slip-stick when adjusting the fulcrum
• Alignment beam to ensure correct installation and spacing between the rear end of the stand and the fulcrum giving greater consistency between diving stands
• Redesigned mounting locations ensure correct alignment and compensate for less-than-ideal decks
• Enhanced coating process to reduce corrosion
• Virtually maintenance free
• Increased performance and consistency between stands
• Easier fulcrum adjustments – especially for younger divers • Easier installation process
Art. No. 1111006 - New Short Stand for 16′ MX
Art. No. 1111007 - New Short Stand for 16′ DX
Art. No. 1111008 - New Short Stand for 14′ DX
Short Stand Product Brochure
Take a look at the all NEW Short Stand

Legacy Short Stand without Handrails
Article Number: 1111001
Duraflex Short Stand without Handrails, platform model, made for concrete, steel, stainless steel and other construction platforms. The support stand consists of a fulcrum (back) with hinges and an adjustable roller and foot wheel.
Handrails are not included. The diving board is sold separately.
Product Information:
Material: Heavy-duty aluminum anodized and powder coated.
The roller mechanism is of pressed aluminium, heat-treated with exchangable slide bearings of nylon.
Possible pressure 35.000 psi.
1111001_1111002 Duraflex Short Stands v10_25EN.pdf
International Limited Warranty Stands - Malmsten_Duraflex.pdf
Maintenance Duraflex v45_22En.pdf
Legacy Short Stand spareparts front.pdf
Legacy Short Stand spareparts rear.pdf

Duraflex Short Stand with Handrails
Article Number: 1111002
Duraflex Short Stands have fulcrum units identical to the One-Meter and Three-Meter Stands, and similar handrails and anchoring units. They are designed for use on concrete pedestals or platforms, with the use of six Bronze Deck Anchors or six Hilti stainless steel threaded inserts, at either one or three-meter level. This model is supplied with top and intermediate handrails on two sides.
The diving board is sold separately.
Product Information:
Material: Heavy-duty aluminum anodized and powder coated.
The roller mechanism is of pressed aluminium, heat-treated with exchangable slide bearings of nylon.
Possible pressure 35.000 psi.
1111001_1111002_Duraflex Short Stands V10_25EN.pdf
International Limited Warranty Stands - Malmsten_Duraflex.pdf
Maintenance Duraflex v45_22En.pdf
Legacy Short Stand spareparts front.pdf
Legacy Short Stand spareparts rear.pdf